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martedì 5 febbraio 2013

INPS: Social security on the Move

SSE-MOVE: Social Security on the Move
Promoting the coordination on the transferability of welfare benefits within a cluster of EU social security institutes

The SSE-MOVE project, co-financed by the European Commission, Directorate General for Employment, improving the knowledge on the transferability of welfare benefits for workers (and their relatives) exercising the right of free movement in five EU member states (Italy, Czech Republic, Hungary, Poland and Romania). Specifically, the action aims at:
  1. identifying the main obstacles to the implementation of the Regulations (CE) 883/2004 and 987/2009 which could actually hinder the free movement of workers (and their relatives) among partner countries;
  2. identifying the limitations to the free movement of workers (and their relatives) stemming from the diversity of national social security systems (i.e. incentives/disincentives to workers’ mobility due to different entitlement and generosity of benefits across countries);
  3. fostering a mutual learning process among project partners, culminating in the identification of best practices and the development of specific intervention strategies on the basis of identified needs and lessons learned;
  4. ultimately, promoting the coordination among the social security institutions involved in the action, aimed at the improvement and simplification of administrative procedures;
  5. raising general awareness, stimulating debate and promoting information on the portability of welfare benefits among workers (and their relatives) exercising the right of free movement across partner member states.
Expected results
As a result of the action, partners and other involved actors will increase their knowledge and awareness about the actual portability of welfare benefits across countries, and will identify the main obstacles which restrain the free movement of workers (and their relatives) due to the characteristics of national social security systems. Moreover, they will increase their capacity to promote intervention strategies aimed at removing these obstacles. This will be achieved through analysis activities, mutual learning and exchange of knowledge on the portability of welfare benefits across countries.
The action will entail three activity phases:
  1. Building the evidence basis, by identifying the main obstacles to the portability of welfare benefits for workers exercising the right of free movement across partner countries. This will be achieved mainly through research and desk analysis activities carried out in each partner’s country as well as a simulation exercise upon the identification of ten representative biographies (workers’ typologies) of mobile workers moving to Italy. Entitlement to welfare benefits for these representative individuals will be simulated and studied, in order to verify, comparatively, which differences emerge among different countries.
  2. Improving mutual learning, best-practice exchange and coordination among social security institutions. A key element of the proposed action is the promotion of mutual learning among partners, through the organization of four peer review meetings (in CZ, HU, PL and RO). These meetings are aimed at actively involving partners and – through them – other relevant stakeholders in a mutual learning process, aimed at understanding limitations to the portability of social security benefits, at identifying best practices and at formulating actions and policies aimed at removing these obstacles and fostering the free movement of workers.
  3. Raising general awareness, stimulating debate, promoting information on social security coordination. This phase foresees the set up of the project website as well as the organization of a final conference aiming at disseminating the results of the action to a wider audience of social security experts and stakeholders (including policy-makers, social partners, academicians, etc.). Moreover a handbook will be drafted and edited, which will gather the main outcomes of the different project phases. It will consist of a synthesis of the national reports, of the representative biographies identified and discussed during the project, and will illustrate EU-wide specific guidelines, based on the project evidence.

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